AP ZenJoint Latin America is a leader in building, deploying and managing Cloud Services based IT operations. AP ZenJoint Latin America improves cost effectiveness of IT resources promoting the use economy of scale models and cloud computing, robust, highly secure, scalable and affordable for organizations of all sizes.
There is a need for organizations to transition their corporate datacenters to a virtualized infrastructure and reduce IT management. The substantial cost savings, accelerated ROI, greater resilience and flexibility offered by Virtualization make this transition a highly attractive proposition for any corporation; however, the typical challenges with business transformation remain.
ZenJoint's highly specialized teams have the ability to implement world class IT infrastructure for every client. AP ZenJoint Latin America employs cutting-edge technology through Global Infrastructure which allows its customers to innovate, experiment and iterate quickly, in order to promote and increase productivity and competitiveness.
ZenJoint is, quite simply, ahead of the game!
We are a dynamic and progressive strategic advisory firm, collaborating with all Tier One technology vendors as a virtual business unit, and we deliver 100% customer satisfaction in every engagement.If you want to move forward and harness the promise of technology today, we can help you to achieve it.
Team, ZenJoint